Chapter 15

1 & 2 Timothy

1.  As a participant in numerous arbitration proceedings, I cannot think of one circumstance in which the mediator’s job was to provide grace.  Rather, the mediator’s duty was to facilitate a settlement; typically one in which both parties gave up something important so as to meet their opponent somewhere in the middle.  Given that scenario, a modern mediation proceeding doesn’t seem to fit what Christ did for us in serving as our mediator, does it?  What exactly is Christ’s role as our mediator?  Are there others that could also serve as a mediator for us?  Why not?

2.  When you are pulled over for speeding do you pay the fine to the officer or to the court?  If you slip some cash to the police officer does that satisfy your debt to the community for your infraction?  Why/why not?  We speak of a criminal as having to “pay his debt to society.”  Is there a parallel with respect to our sin debt?  If Satan were paid for our sin debt, would that be like slipping the police officer some cash to “look the other way?”  Why is it so difficult for us to grasp that our sin debt is owed to God and no one else?  Could there be a better or different arrangement and remain consistent with God’s character?

3.  “From this we can conclude that Christ’s finished work of atonement must always be the beginning, middle and end of our preaching.”  Agree/Disagree?  If the atonement is not mentioned in a sermon is it preaching?  Why/why not?