Chapter 9

2 Corinthians

1.  Is there a difference between being controlled for or on account of the love of Christ versus being controlled by the love of Christ?  Is it a difference without a distinction?

2.  Why do you suppose there were those in the first century that downplayed Paul’s apostleship?  What would be their advantage in doing so?

3.  A liability insurer agrees to stand in your place and answer for you if your negligence causes an accident.  This is also known as subrogation or “standing in another’s shoes.”  If Christ stood in your shoes and answered for your sins, then is the effect of His sacrifice like that of the insurer or is His sacrifice something more than that?

4. “Man does not by his own decision or will cause Christ to be made sin for him…”  Agree?  At what point does faith become an aspect of this “great exchange?”  How does one even have faith to begin with?  Do baptism or communion serve as the means for the exchange to take place?  What purpose do baptism and communion serve?

5.  Would you agree that 2 Corinthians 5:21 is “the single key verse of the entire Bible?”  If not, then in your opinion what is the single key verse of the entire Bible?  Support your answer.

6.  “… [T]he sinless Jesus becomes our sin.”  Does this statement have a personal meaning for you?  If so, describe in your own words the first time you understood this.  If you have yet to grasp it’s meaning, are you willing to seek someone to assist you?

7.  Jesus Christ became our sin-bearer.  Does that mean that He took our sins upon Himself as one puts on an article of clothing?  If He merely wore our sins as a garment, would it be necessary for Him to die?

8.  Was Christ the opposite of ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothing?’  In other words, was He merely God parading around in the clothing or appearance of sinful humanity or was His human experience more akin to a blood transfusion, a transfusion from a very sick and virulent humanity?

9.  In order for man to take on the righteousness of Christ does he wear the righteousness of Christ as a garment?

10.  The authors state “Jesus offers no prosperity Gospel.” Agree?  If you lived in a third world country what hope would a prosperity Gospel bring?  What hope of eternity does a ‘prosperity Gospel’ bring?  What exactly is the appeal of such a gospel?