Paul’s Epistles on “The Righteousness of God”
The Meanings of “The Righteousness of God”
1. In this chapter, the authors depict the righteousness of God in various ways. What does “the righteousness of God” mean to you in your personal walk with God? Can you honestly say that this righteousness is a reality in your life? If not, what will you do right now to have God’s righteousness afforded to you? If it is a reality in your life, what will you do to allow God’s righteousness to manifest itself more openly in your life?
2. If Christ exchanged our sin for His righteousness or “right standing with God,” how do you respond to that?
Faith and the Righteousness of God
1. If by faith you have the righteousness of Christ in you, then does it make a difference in your daily life? If not, why not? Does the “difference making” depend on you or on Christ?
2. Would your spouse, family or close friends say that the righteousness of Christ is in you? If not, what would it take for them to say, “I see Christ in you?”
3. Knowing one’s position in Christ is essential to a faith walk with Christ; however, living that out in reality can be uncertain at times. What are some practical ways that you can demonstrate your position in Christ to the world around you?
4. Do you find it difficult to differentiate between faith and works? Is it like the “chicken and the egg” or is there a definite order? If so, what does that say about your theology?
“Justification” and the Righteousness of God
1. When a judge declares a defendant “not guilty” that is similar to God declaring a sinner justified before Him. There is great comfort in hearing, trusting in and responding to that declaration. How do you respond, however, when the crowd outside the courthouse starts jeering about your former life or current problems?
The Righteousness of Christ: Summary Insights
1. After reading this chapter has your understanding of the Great Exchange deepened or perhaps awakened? What will you now do with these new insights?